Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dominas With Fur Coats

I feel like shit.

Whats The Difference Between A Mock And A V-neck

forget it I feel like a landfill, a little 'unfair.

After yet another night embraced the cup to sing: "I am not worthy of you," I wake up with vertigo and perhaps I also otitis. Luckily today is not working. I spent the morning reading all the documents on the case of the Monster of Florence. I do not think I'll ever do in Camporella all'AMMORE.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rogers Telephone Book

that strange Sunday Peripatetic by peristalsis.

Son, as usual, at work. Tonight, the loaf to me are earned. And this morning I guess. Now, as is the "jelly time" are all at home. A knife (yes with R which is the only word I say, well, well with the L and R) are taken later, after coffee.
I feel sick, as it is very difficult for me to be pregnant, even if I have sbomballate menstruation, I feel that I'm getting a little bit of influence. That is very serious. If I stop, I am lost!
say "I am a free trader" in my case, as in the case of many is an understatement to say that if work does not eat.
irritates me a nurse who "will append whatever" to pick up the coffee, but never offers! Is queued even when no one has asked anything. With vague to get to the basket of croissants and Ciaffa! Pastarelle. And eat it goes. Do not even say thank you. I could not, so boh ... seemed decent. Sooner or later you pay only for me and I'm off.

I call the "nephew". The same stories. "But I had to call an hour after you?" "Yes, but we always do so much" ... Exit for the umpteenth time with the girl that makes him weep and suffer. That fills him with horns etc etc. E 'in the phase where he wants to love at all costs. O fuck? I do not know. About his business.
There are people that, even if you're not centuries, there's that tune that never dies. Type with some of my cousins, who little by little if we look at each other and we told you the truth ... We would end up in bed together, techila drinking and dancing on the tables. With his nephew, does not work anymore. In fact, it worked well. Not now. Something broke. I am offended. Since that time, I was disappointed. I preferred a can not rather than will do everything. I think I begin to understand, that between me and him, is he who most need me. I did not want him for help but know that they were still chatterbox, I was sorry.
better this way, let us take it to the Buddhist or the rich and poor: what will be.

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1 2 Scorers: Annovazzi, Finazzi
Booked: Perletti

this week I'll judge you because the coach is imposiibilitato from them for a variety of commitments are sincere and I tell you .. oia the truth go to prop my report cards of quetsa playing here because I do not like it at all then settle for four words in mind:

Frezzolini: Back in goal announced very likely unstoppable goal on a penalty that hangs traversa.Prestazione on more than sufficiente.Voto: 6.5

Henry: Well the first half but in the second to the change of form dictated by the coach makes the nion central midfield and defense was not what had been a fight in the final detto.Sfiora: No morto.Voto: 6.5

Gritti: The only one who knows how to put some order during the second time ever ready to take the ball on remittance of the goalkeeper. Bravo both front and rear. Rating: 7

Milio: Go back to goal but played under its standards will not be warned and will be the next challenge in the field with where you need to confirm the juggler squadra.Voto: 6.5

Annovazzi : Do a trial dedicated ourselves because subjectively I'd give it a very bad rating because it's his fault if I get disqualified. He works a lot but is too selfish and rarely sees the inclusion defendants, or to support easy Milio, blinded by the desire to Goal. We fight climate in the ball game because it always wants to make peace in the feet but then, so it gets! Rating: 6.5

Mister: change form in the second half of the casino time ago because I think he realized that Henry had to play the role Milio's, maybe we needed a time out to tell her. However, the team suffers all equal by taking home three points rather undeserved. Rating: 6.5

Referee: Go to shit! Warned for swearing by Allah himself an adherent of God in my seminar! Rating: 2

RAgauser I recommend watching and commenting on the post below so that a tournament in Cervia the coach can make its views!
Ioaness with Enrique and toasted the new ultras is always present away!
scrause Sorry for the report cards but it was just a lot of shit to me!