Thursday, December 30, 2010

Britesmile Cost, Singapore

BRENDON, a life spent ALL'ITAS


on December 30, I take this opportunity to wish a Christmas (late) and those for the New Year (in advance), just to reiterate that we are people of Disco abnormal.

And I want to talk today of anomalies and in particular a character known in our environment known by the nickname "Brendon" in this case Nicholas Plebani who had already devoted an article rather than exhaustive in this site titled "Who the fuck is Brendon?" (see older posts ..)..

Well, how many of us know Brendon the venerable age of 63 are still attending the Agricultural Technical Institute in Bergamo and Leclaire after repeating a few times this year seems a good year, that of turn, maturity, and then incredibly solar nelll'anno 2011 Brendon will vente a land surveyor.

What does this mean? It means that we must begin to give of her to Brendon? means it will cut its thick foliage to appear at an office of public officials and to shore up its fat Chiappone a chair?

No friends, you know what that guy is Nicholas and he takes us and what we hold to him and we are confident that despite the prestigious title that will pursue, I repeat this is not a land surveyor titolini any, will the person who was with the foot pointed shoes in the head with a thick head of hair tied in a tail from his horse, and with the huge rod between her legs.

For this reason, we monitor the situation by ensuring that school does not commit errors and distractions because next year we want to have a land surveyor in the team that most certainly would have us great convenience.

As you can see for yourself my client is deficient in Italian and technical oral oral animal production (Livestock).

Regarding the failure of Animal Husbandry, for those who have not attended the Agricultural Institute of Bergamo, is a subject that studies the feces and urine of each animal species will Brandon poisoned repetitions of 10 minutes before the game, teachers will be two old hands dell'Agraria namely myself and Gritti (animal husbandry is a matter ferratissimi where we were when we talk about shit no joke and I can say with a bit of presumption in that area we are the experts).
Regarding the failure in Italian hearing do not think anybody has any doubts that Brendon may apply to Michelin, as a former poet who is, will help in the best possible way.

to repay Brendon will repeat:
1.Do not appear drunk matches
2.comprare a clock set to the Italian time

3.trattasi oral material it is best to avoid needless to say that the write vològarità ( with a bit of malice five safe arrival.) materials are oral and sdebiterà so oral.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Calgary Brazilian Wax

riday 'DES-SET (Friday 17)

Dear Blog read the chant during the Friday evening dinner Team:
riday des-set:
" evening Good evening my friends,
women straight men gay
Le Riad Serad the
n'sèma to ona large fiocada.

But we this does not matter,
riday des-SET THE ona giurnada crooked
and whether to dim or if the frech ago
will notice also go there for dinner spread.

Next Disco to the rescue
of an Benziner vol bones
an own team ona de disperach
but when an Suga ì facht the talks.

In goal, ie that the commands Dù
ù knows the donut Vava to the oter gà ona Panda
lè semper stach on tipo mat
al fà ol cogo so a Telgat.

In difesa chèn gira an se in quater
mè Gritti Enrico e Mahèm
lè tota sèt dè ona certa cultura
devota al vì e ala viticoltura.

A centrocamp ghè Tosti Signo e Miglio
lù col Balù al gà on certo piglio
lè bù de fà assist e gol
ma lè always tecàt to chel pussy of I-fon!

ghe Rossi in attack and Annovazzi
and if Lii lè in Furmia for difensur s cocks
Red ol 'nvece to my heart trop
but if the know 'to the TA ncasà ago cagA banked-up beds.

ghe Finally, the leadership
de Lur will notice an pol ago without my
Brendon ghe ol ol ol Bocia Chiodini
that to explain makes the patterns on the doodles.

'Nsoma Adès saludo me go and concluding with a wish:

nosta The team with so Unida
the spirit to go to dela de la partida
Ensi pert or the MIAs important
chel chel denante that tire has claws!

Force Disc six special open your ass and Merry Christmas! "
Special thanks Germano, our main sponsor, which has generously offered a dinner for the whole team leaves without words! And a rhyme I would dedicate it to him:
" On ringrasiamento special germ
to pay TOT and Lu Ta strèns hand,
An TY also thanked the Bellevista
I know from God to suni ghe Gnè listings! "
thanks sentitissimo by the whole team and all those who participated in the dinner. Thanks to the fantastic
Mister T-shirts.
Thanks to the entire disc (including Brandon Signo and that there were not).

At Next!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Milena Velba And Black



1.LA SUNI GOD AND THE CENA 'CONFIRMED AT 21.00. WHO' UNABLE TO COME TO THE DINNER BUT NOT FACE PROBLEMS It 'absolutely necessary that let me know before 19.30.
2.IL AND AFTER-DINNER AT SUNSET 'Jump For obvious transportation problems.



cleanse O Lord will be whiter than snow

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Happens To Dead Sperm


Another evening dedicated to the promotion of sport for disabled people has increased,

in Varese yet still lacks a team of wheelchair basketball

Yet something is missing

Yet could do better

Yet not to exceed two hours

Yet it is the result of a simple word of mouth

Yet those who have spread the word increasingly

Yet some hugs never forget

Yet some smiles never forget

Yet the confirmation of the presence there were not many

yet no resident of Via Faido called the local police

Yet someone felt neglected

Yet during the year the phone calls are not many

Yet tips and availability are concentrated in November

But it's not the CIP

Yet there are Special Olympics

are not yet of 'ENS

But it's not School Office

Yet there is no place where everyone sits down ... almost all

Yet no one thinks of the place but to ... hardly anyone there

But "you should go to the schools ..."

yet "but the Cinema Theatre Vela is closed ..."

Yet "just a secretary for reservations ..."

Yet "just the limited number of ..."

But "you could install an elevator ..."

But "I thought there were less people ..."

Yet "logo Sester is a little violent ..."

Yet "I could make you do the leap!"

Yet " blind people who play baseball a little 'see us, by force ... "

But" next year you'll see ... "

Yet" that there has already gone up to stage last year ... "

yet "but how do you remember the names of all ..."

But "next year leak on your own ..."

Yet " last year it was more tears ... "

Yet" at the beginning, a beautiful lighthouse with bull's eye ... "

Yet" what the cost will be those SKY and RAI ... "

But "you have to pay the ticket to the other ..."

Yet "it would be better in the summer ..."

Yet "the jacket you might as well put ... "

yet" give a working tool with two publicists, bah ... "

But oh, the politicians were all there ..."

Yet "and Well, thanks, I'll pay the Province ... "

yet" but I'll pay you for the evening, we settle dimwitted ... then ... "

Yet" tell me when it your evening that will fill the theater ... "

Yet not asked

Yet it gives

Yet enough that everyone tried to organize only a "pizza" ...

Yet each time, it's worth it ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Islamic Wedding Message

The gazpacho and Spanish cuisine

RECIPES (Ricette)

Gazpacho Gazpacho is a dish typical of Andalusia.
's easy! First peel the tomatoes and cucumbers and cut them into small pieces with pepper, onion, garlic and bread. Finally add the oil, vinegar and salt and bats all in the blender. You pour cold water or ice.
Bon appetit!


The tortilla is a typical dish in Spain. Like gazpacho is very easy to prepare.
First peel the potatoes and cut into very small pieces. In a skillet heat oil and when hot add the potatoes and fry until they are golden. Bates eggs in a soup bowl and add the potatoes and gold, mixing with the eggs and put salt. Remove oil from pan, let alone a little, and add it potatoes mixed with egg. Leave it a few minutes with a dish you turn the tables and return the pan to toss in a few minutes and you can serve the dish. Bon appetit! VERBS

Add Cut = = = Sbattere Beat
= Browse or versare Buttaro
= Sbucciare Peel, peel
Heat = scaldare
Stir Fry = Friggere
= Delete = will eliminate
Let = Lasciare
Turn = Turn Back
Fare + infinitive = un'altra volta qualcosa
Back to lend = Versare / or un'altra volta ancora Buttaro

Serve Power Serve = = Potere
food-related VOCABULARY

= Dolci Sweets
Grasas = Grassi
Pescado Embutidos = = = Uova Pesce

Huevos Carne Carne
Lácteos = = = Formaggio Latticini
Yogurt = Yogurt
Leche Latte
Verduras = = = Legumi Verdure
Frutas = Frutta
Cereales = Cereali
Pan Arroz
pane = = = Pasta Pasta Riso


Salmone Salmon =
Trucha Sardina Sardina = = = Sogliola Trota
Merluza Bacalao = = = Tonno Merluzzo


Mejillones = Cozze
Almejas Ostras = = = Gamberetti Vongole
Gambas Aragosta

Crab Lobster = = = Polyp Octopus
Sepia = Seppia


Rabbit Agnello Lamb = = = Vitello Calf

Turkey Chicken Chicken = = = Hamburger Hamburger

SAUSAGES Prosciutto ham
= = Mortadella Mortadella Sausage = Salsiccia


Pudding Cake = = = Gelato Ice Cream Cake

Yogurt = Yogurt Fruit
Macedonia Macedonia di frutta =
Mousse Chocolate Mousse Cioccolata =

Asparagus Onion = Cipolla
= Asparagi

Spinaci Spinach = beans = green beans or white beans = Fagiolini

Fagioli Tomato Lettuce = Lattuga

= Pomodoro Potato = Potato Cucumber = Cetriolo

Peperone Pepper Pepper = = = Carota Pepe

Carrot Leek = Porro Col = Cavola

Cavolfiore Pumpkin Cauliflower = = = Zucchino Zucca Zucchini


Banana Strawberry Banana = = = Limone Lemon

Arancia Orange = Mandarin
Apple Mandarina = = = Pera Pera

Uva = Grape Apricot Peach = = Albicocca
Fishing Prugna

Cherry Plum = = = Ciliegia
Mora Mora Raspberry = Lamponi

BEVERAGES Water = Aqua
juice = wine = Wine Beer = Birra

Tea = Te


Fill spaces with the correct form of the verb SER and the missing words.

1. The flan ... ... ... ... ... .. a dessert.
2. Yogurt, margarine and cheese ... ... ... ... ... Products ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
3. The tomatoes, carrots and peppers ... ... ... .... Vegetables.
4. Asparagus ... ... ... ... .. green.
5. Elena ... ... ... .... Allergic to strawberries.
6. You ... ... ... ... ... very sweet.
7. Marta and I ... ... ... ... .... Cooks in a very fancy restaurant.
8. The beer and wine ... ... ... .. alcohol.
9. Salmon ... ... ... ... a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and the apple is a ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
10. Green beans, spinach and lettuce ... ... ... ... ... vegetables.
11. We ... ... ... ... ... .. vegetarians. No ... ... ... ... ... ... ... neither fish nor fowl.
12. I ... ... .... I have diabetes and dieting.
13. You ... ... ... ... ... .. you make a pie pastry and delicious.
14. Ferran Adrià ... ... ... .... a very famous chef.
15. I ... ... ... ... pastry chef and make some cakes delicious.
16. We ... ... ... ... .... We are bakers. We make bread.