Thursday, December 30, 2010

Britesmile Cost, Singapore

BRENDON, a life spent ALL'ITAS


on December 30, I take this opportunity to wish a Christmas (late) and those for the New Year (in advance), just to reiterate that we are people of Disco abnormal.

And I want to talk today of anomalies and in particular a character known in our environment known by the nickname "Brendon" in this case Nicholas Plebani who had already devoted an article rather than exhaustive in this site titled "Who the fuck is Brendon?" (see older posts ..)..

Well, how many of us know Brendon the venerable age of 63 are still attending the Agricultural Technical Institute in Bergamo and Leclaire after repeating a few times this year seems a good year, that of turn, maturity, and then incredibly solar nelll'anno 2011 Brendon will vente a land surveyor.

What does this mean? It means that we must begin to give of her to Brendon? means it will cut its thick foliage to appear at an office of public officials and to shore up its fat Chiappone a chair?

No friends, you know what that guy is Nicholas and he takes us and what we hold to him and we are confident that despite the prestigious title that will pursue, I repeat this is not a land surveyor titolini any, will the person who was with the foot pointed shoes in the head with a thick head of hair tied in a tail from his horse, and with the huge rod between her legs.

For this reason, we monitor the situation by ensuring that school does not commit errors and distractions because next year we want to have a land surveyor in the team that most certainly would have us great convenience.

As you can see for yourself my client is deficient in Italian and technical oral oral animal production (Livestock).

Regarding the failure of Animal Husbandry, for those who have not attended the Agricultural Institute of Bergamo, is a subject that studies the feces and urine of each animal species will Brandon poisoned repetitions of 10 minutes before the game, teachers will be two old hands dell'Agraria namely myself and Gritti (animal husbandry is a matter ferratissimi where we were when we talk about shit no joke and I can say with a bit of presumption in that area we are the experts).
Regarding the failure in Italian hearing do not think anybody has any doubts that Brendon may apply to Michelin, as a former poet who is, will help in the best possible way.

to repay Brendon will repeat:
1.Do not appear drunk matches
2.comprare a clock set to the Italian time

3.trattasi oral material it is best to avoid needless to say that the write vològarità ( with a bit of malice five safe arrival.) materials are oral and sdebiterà so oral.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Calgary Brazilian Wax

riday 'DES-SET (Friday 17)

Dear Blog read the chant during the Friday evening dinner Team:
riday des-set:
" evening Good evening my friends,
women straight men gay
Le Riad Serad the
n'sèma to ona large fiocada.

But we this does not matter,
riday des-SET THE ona giurnada crooked
and whether to dim or if the frech ago
will notice also go there for dinner spread.

Next Disco to the rescue
of an Benziner vol bones
an own team ona de disperach
but when an Suga ì facht the talks.

In goal, ie that the commands Dù
ù knows the donut Vava to the oter gà ona Panda
lè semper stach on tipo mat
al fà ol cogo so a Telgat.

In difesa chèn gira an se in quater
mè Gritti Enrico e Mahèm
lè tota sèt dè ona certa cultura
devota al vì e ala viticoltura.

A centrocamp ghè Tosti Signo e Miglio
lù col Balù al gà on certo piglio
lè bù de fà assist e gol
ma lè always tecàt to chel pussy of I-fon!

ghe Rossi in attack and Annovazzi
and if Lii lè in Furmia for difensur s cocks
Red ol 'nvece to my heart trop
but if the know 'to the TA ncasà ago cagA banked-up beds.

ghe Finally, the leadership
de Lur will notice an pol ago without my
Brendon ghe ol ol ol Bocia Chiodini
that to explain makes the patterns on the doodles.

'Nsoma Adès saludo me go and concluding with a wish:

nosta The team with so Unida
the spirit to go to dela de la partida
Ensi pert or the MIAs important
chel chel denante that tire has claws!

Force Disc six special open your ass and Merry Christmas! "
Special thanks Germano, our main sponsor, which has generously offered a dinner for the whole team leaves without words! And a rhyme I would dedicate it to him:
" On ringrasiamento special germ
to pay TOT and Lu Ta strèns hand,
An TY also thanked the Bellevista
I know from God to suni ghe Gnè listings! "
thanks sentitissimo by the whole team and all those who participated in the dinner. Thanks to the fantastic
Mister T-shirts.
Thanks to the entire disc (including Brandon Signo and that there were not).

At Next!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Milena Velba And Black



1.LA SUNI GOD AND THE CENA 'CONFIRMED AT 21.00. WHO' UNABLE TO COME TO THE DINNER BUT NOT FACE PROBLEMS It 'absolutely necessary that let me know before 19.30.
2.IL AND AFTER-DINNER AT SUNSET 'Jump For obvious transportation problems.



cleanse O Lord will be whiter than snow

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Happens To Dead Sperm


Another evening dedicated to the promotion of sport for disabled people has increased,

in Varese yet still lacks a team of wheelchair basketball

Yet something is missing

Yet could do better

Yet not to exceed two hours

Yet it is the result of a simple word of mouth

Yet those who have spread the word increasingly

Yet some hugs never forget

Yet some smiles never forget

Yet the confirmation of the presence there were not many

yet no resident of Via Faido called the local police

Yet someone felt neglected

Yet during the year the phone calls are not many

Yet tips and availability are concentrated in November

But it's not the CIP

Yet there are Special Olympics

are not yet of 'ENS

But it's not School Office

Yet there is no place where everyone sits down ... almost all

Yet no one thinks of the place but to ... hardly anyone there

But "you should go to the schools ..."

yet "but the Cinema Theatre Vela is closed ..."

Yet "just a secretary for reservations ..."

Yet "just the limited number of ..."

But "you could install an elevator ..."

But "I thought there were less people ..."

Yet "logo Sester is a little violent ..."

Yet "I could make you do the leap!"

Yet " blind people who play baseball a little 'see us, by force ... "

But" next year you'll see ... "

Yet" that there has already gone up to stage last year ... "

yet "but how do you remember the names of all ..."

But "next year leak on your own ..."

Yet " last year it was more tears ... "

Yet" at the beginning, a beautiful lighthouse with bull's eye ... "

Yet" what the cost will be those SKY and RAI ... "

But "you have to pay the ticket to the other ..."

Yet "it would be better in the summer ..."

Yet "the jacket you might as well put ... "

yet" give a working tool with two publicists, bah ... "

But oh, the politicians were all there ..."

Yet "and Well, thanks, I'll pay the Province ... "

yet" but I'll pay you for the evening, we settle dimwitted ... then ... "

Yet" tell me when it your evening that will fill the theater ... "

Yet not asked

Yet it gives

Yet enough that everyone tried to organize only a "pizza" ...

Yet each time, it's worth it ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Islamic Wedding Message

The gazpacho and Spanish cuisine

RECIPES (Ricette)

Gazpacho Gazpacho is a dish typical of Andalusia.
's easy! First peel the tomatoes and cucumbers and cut them into small pieces with pepper, onion, garlic and bread. Finally add the oil, vinegar and salt and bats all in the blender. You pour cold water or ice.
Bon appetit!


The tortilla is a typical dish in Spain. Like gazpacho is very easy to prepare.
First peel the potatoes and cut into very small pieces. In a skillet heat oil and when hot add the potatoes and fry until they are golden. Bates eggs in a soup bowl and add the potatoes and gold, mixing with the eggs and put salt. Remove oil from pan, let alone a little, and add it potatoes mixed with egg. Leave it a few minutes with a dish you turn the tables and return the pan to toss in a few minutes and you can serve the dish. Bon appetit! VERBS

Add Cut = = = Sbattere Beat
= Browse or versare Buttaro
= Sbucciare Peel, peel
Heat = scaldare
Stir Fry = Friggere
= Delete = will eliminate
Let = Lasciare
Turn = Turn Back
Fare + infinitive = un'altra volta qualcosa
Back to lend = Versare / or un'altra volta ancora Buttaro

Serve Power Serve = = Potere
food-related VOCABULARY

= Dolci Sweets
Grasas = Grassi
Pescado Embutidos = = = Uova Pesce

Huevos Carne Carne
Lácteos = = = Formaggio Latticini
Yogurt = Yogurt
Leche Latte
Verduras = = = Legumi Verdure
Frutas = Frutta
Cereales = Cereali
Pan Arroz
pane = = = Pasta Pasta Riso


Salmone Salmon =
Trucha Sardina Sardina = = = Sogliola Trota
Merluza Bacalao = = = Tonno Merluzzo


Mejillones = Cozze
Almejas Ostras = = = Gamberetti Vongole
Gambas Aragosta

Crab Lobster = = = Polyp Octopus
Sepia = Seppia


Rabbit Agnello Lamb = = = Vitello Calf

Turkey Chicken Chicken = = = Hamburger Hamburger

SAUSAGES Prosciutto ham
= = Mortadella Mortadella Sausage = Salsiccia


Pudding Cake = = = Gelato Ice Cream Cake

Yogurt = Yogurt Fruit
Macedonia Macedonia di frutta =
Mousse Chocolate Mousse Cioccolata =

Asparagus Onion = Cipolla
= Asparagi

Spinaci Spinach = beans = green beans or white beans = Fagiolini

Fagioli Tomato Lettuce = Lattuga

= Pomodoro Potato = Potato Cucumber = Cetriolo

Peperone Pepper Pepper = = = Carota Pepe

Carrot Leek = Porro Col = Cavola

Cavolfiore Pumpkin Cauliflower = = = Zucchino Zucca Zucchini


Banana Strawberry Banana = = = Limone Lemon

Arancia Orange = Mandarin
Apple Mandarina = = = Pera Pera

Uva = Grape Apricot Peach = = Albicocca
Fishing Prugna

Cherry Plum = = = Ciliegia
Mora Mora Raspberry = Lamponi

BEVERAGES Water = Aqua
juice = wine = Wine Beer = Birra

Tea = Te


Fill spaces with the correct form of the verb SER and the missing words.

1. The flan ... ... ... ... ... .. a dessert.
2. Yogurt, margarine and cheese ... ... ... ... ... Products ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
3. The tomatoes, carrots and peppers ... ... ... .... Vegetables.
4. Asparagus ... ... ... ... .. green.
5. Elena ... ... ... .... Allergic to strawberries.
6. You ... ... ... ... ... very sweet.
7. Marta and I ... ... ... ... .... Cooks in a very fancy restaurant.
8. The beer and wine ... ... ... .. alcohol.
9. Salmon ... ... ... ... a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and the apple is a ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
10. Green beans, spinach and lettuce ... ... ... ... ... vegetables.
11. We ... ... ... ... ... .. vegetarians. No ... ... ... ... ... ... ... neither fish nor fowl.
12. I ... ... .... I have diabetes and dieting.
13. You ... ... ... ... ... .. you make a pie pastry and delicious.
14. Ferran Adrià ... ... ... .... a very famous chef.
15. I ... ... ... ... pastry chef and make some cakes delicious.
16. We ... ... ... ... .... We are bakers. We make bread.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Portable Dvd Player Hdmi


A land in which we are ashamed to even think of throwing a paper on the floor. 67,000 tickets sold to watch the world championships in rowing. Green areas and roadsides treated like gardens. Homes without a fence, city centers from the 60's America where even the glittering port waste. In short, New Zealand, land of the mythical priests blacks rugby world is a Paradise. That's why it takes 25 hours to fly to earn the right to trample on the ground. With my mates there premium Caragnano Stephen Cameron and Catriona are the eyes and ears of the Rowing Club Varese not happy to have in hand the European championships of 2012 I decided on a sort of two couples with the Province of Varese, in winning also the organization of the World "Master" in 2013 and that of absolute 2015. A Filotto would offer to our province, the second pass of the train hurtled off a bicycle Named Desire to the 2008 Road World Championships. Admiring the warrior "Maori" honorary Marco Callai, hyper-active Press Officer blue, send a statement to each blink of an eye for who is not really a rowing-man like myself, having met the requirements of the above priorities are two: the disposal zone, and do good to those responsible for merchandising. The first is a big problem. Dazed by day, a real night owl. The second is a Mass, but the readings are only those of my credit card. Three fantastic matches instead. In the first place with "Maori" in the flesh. Okay it's not that I met in what they say but their natural setting, Agnelli said as his workers, in life we \u200b\u200bmust also know how to please. Second place for Fay Ho. A "little women" Hong Kong, an official of his government and head of the adaptive rowing FISA (World Rowing Federation). Fay (I widen a bit ...) is the creator of a project with schools in his country that has put the boat in 6500 young disabled people in 3 years! The third step of the podium, the emotion of having found the skull of an ancestor of mine from New Zealand. Irrefutable proof of kinship? The measure! Also exceeded the 30 hour flight back home, though clouded by time, a thought resists. In 2008 he made his sprint cycling, leaving the desert. For Varese is now the possibility of a rematch. In New Zealand the word "garden" has a somewhat 'different but looking at our lake by a small bridge of the Karapiro've got it too. The sentence for the award of the World 2015 will be issued on September 5, 2011. Varese, the oars!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Makeup Roll Australia


The first 49 seconds of my first year I spent in the warm company of Gruppo Sportivo Pavarin and my friend Sergio Gianoli, the SE of Sester. Not content to pay me for dinner to the excellent "The Delights" by Davenport, Robert Pavarin gave me a special seat at the table: in front of Alex Zanardi. The lovely evening made me less bitter than the fact that on October 9, in addition to my c ompleanno, is also the anniversary of the tragedy Vajont (two years later). In this regard, I suggest you live or DVD of the show Marco Paolini. At the first step towards the 50 I thank those who stand me Marghe 30. (Photo Pavarin Roberto and Alex Zanardi)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mainframe Course Pune

A suite from 5000 € to Nadal

What is the Intercontinental Resort Hua Hin (Thailand) for Rafa Nadal has decided to stay there for a week's holiday with their friends. Among other things, that has not had to pay the 5,000 euros a day which costs the 'suite' in which he stayed because he has been invited by the hotel, sponsor of the Thailand Open. What has a suite worth 5,000 euros a day?. Among other things, 450 square meters, private pool and garden by the sea and 24-hour butler.

The 'Residence Royal Hua Hin' is the name of the suite which opened Nadal. And it's built on what was the home of the king's private chef Rama VII, the king who in 1922 decided to build a palace in a fishing village and became one of the most exclusive tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, a kind of Marbella, hotels and 'Spas' luxury.

After winning the U.S. Open and complete the poker 'great' Rafa decided that he deserved a vacation and flew from Bangkok aboard the hotel's private jet to Hua Hin 200 kilometers south of the capital.

The world number one took the opportunity to take a dip in Buddhist culture, religion in Thailand since early in the morning made the traditional offering to the monks who receive food and other useful products from the hands of the faithful.

And the rest of the time, and Playstation game: "I have done many things in Hua Hin with my friends, we went to the beach, we have assembled on jet skis, we left after playing golf and once karting, "said Nadal on your stay in Hua Hin.

Nat, the housekeeper, says Nadal is easy as a guest and a person with his feet on the ground. Note that one night had to organize a dinner late at night, time that Rafa and his friends were returning from fishing squid. Perhaps to make amends, Nadal Nat invited to attend, on the stage of friends and crew, the first game played in the Thailand Open.

Nadal had been announced two years prior to the Thailand Open but injuries prevented him from attending the event. The third time was the charm though other English, Guillermo Garcia Lopez was defeated in the semifinals and then winning the final.

(El Mundo 10/06/2010)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lord Of The Rings Mount E Blade

Parents and relatives in Spanish

Dad, Mama (Dad, Mom), father, mother (father, mother)
Tio, Tia (uncle, aunt)
hermano, hermana (brother, sister)
hijo, hija (son, daughter)
first, before (cousin cousin)
abuelo, abuela (grandmother, grandma)
Bisabuela, Bisabuela (great-grandfather, great-grandmother)
cuñado, cuñada (brother-in-law)
nieto, nieto (grandson, son of the son or daughter)
bisnieto, bisnieta (grandson)
Sobrino Sobrino (niece's son or brother sister)
boyfriend, girlfriend (fidanzato, fidanzata)
boyfriends (fidanzati e il giorno gli sposini marriage)
wedding (Sposalizio)
father, mother (suocero, suocera)
son-in-law (gender, Nuoro)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Skin Tag Removal In Perth

The gerund in Spanish

Training It is a very easy time of construction.
will use the verb estar + gerund, in which conjugate the verb to be in the desired time:
Exs.: I'm reading an interesting book
The cat was sleeping in the kitchen
Yesterday I was watching TV all afternoon

II . Use
This time is used to describe any course of action carried out either at the time or a somewhat less concrete:
My father is in the nap I'll be waiting for your call

I am writing my memoirs
course, certain verbs are often the feeling, do not allow this construction, for obvious reasons of meaning.
Exs.: I know many things

* I knew many things.
This time practically not used in its negative form, except, for example in the case of protest against an accusation.
're not listening!
I'm not talking!
The question is as without any particularity:
What are you doing?
¿Qué estas leyendo? Las formas
continuas if encuentran no sólo en el so en todos los tiempos this up.
EJS.: He estado
Esperándote media hora
Cuando vengas, no estar leyendo
It hubieras estado hablo ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Stop Having A Erection In Public


Each meeting can give feelings and emotions more often than not be described. Fortunate are those who test the feelings and emotions on his skin. Even a normal picture, for those who can become a special photo shoot. In the house of fairy tales in Mogliano Veneto I met Bebe. I have made her parents. A regular meeting. For me, that I lived, a special meeting. It does not end here ...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pirates 2 Digital Playground Blogpost


morning greeting for the last time my friend Richard Prina. Today I leave for a new adventure ....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Batteries Camera Aa Lithium Alkaline Zinc Cold


Cappuccini and pastries. Peppone and Don Camillo. Holy now. Friendship, rewind of a lifetime and, on come on, let's face it, a touch of melancholy. The evening dedicated to Charles Nails and his book has the merit of having provoked the desire in every person present to speak to tell his relationship with Charles. About childhood, adolescence and those who, like myself, the most recent meetings. Someone said that Charles would have wanted her night just like that: fast, fun and sincere. But the conditional is misplaced. It 'just that Charles planned and willed it. He pointed to his wife Jizel, Andrea Benzoni, Monica Zappa and Gianfranco Giuliani, how to care for, design the cover, print his book and organize the presentation. In an audience full of religiosity, a sort of "Don Camillo funs," he wanted "Peppone" Daniel Marantelli. He had never wanted the card, a freelance journalist, provides a professional like Marina Corradi. Her attention to Varese, the same as that for the rest of the world, claimed the presence of a physician Varese, in the ward at the club but spent in Uganda, a country far only on the map, still present in the everyday life of Alberto Reggiori . Reggiori wrote and said: "Carlo Santo subito!" But just remember how Charles reserved the invocation of those wives with husbands in the hands of a strong character .... Charles knew that on the steps of the "Santuccio" would not have missed his brothers of the Franciscan Mission Radio. And 'he that good-naturedly, gave two talks to Father Gianni, a requirement for his words accompanied by bright eyes and trembling voice, not intrude into sermons. Not to mention the microphone only paraded in front of his friends to Radio Super Varese that alone could fill the evening of anecdotes and episodes. He did it on purpose, with a highly visible grinned ... dusting off the jokes of the past. And finally the picture of Helen, his daughter, standing on top of the amphitheater. In her arms, her son. A newborn baby who controlled the course of the evening from the top. A boy named Charles Chiodi ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jocks, Nickname Scots?

The liveliness of the Latin Vivancos flamenco show

Monday, April 19, 2010

Does Herpes Affect Kidney Function?

Lesson Spanish Articles

Articol the

articles Definite Article
that places a noun in others of his class.

los hombres el hombre la mujer

las mujeres

Indefinite Articles
Article that does not specify the noun.
hombre a mujer
UNOS unas mujeres hombres

Possessive adjectives Possessive adjectives agree with the noun they modify. There are 6 possessive adjectives: mi, you, up, nuestro, vuestra, suyo.

demonstrative adjectives are adjectives that indicate something. In English there are 3 groups of demonstrative adjectives, which vary in gender and number, a total of 12:
este, esta, estos, estas
aquel, Aquella, aquellos, aquellas


Personal Pronouns Subject: yo, tú, él / she, nosotros / nosotras, you / you, they / them

Add Oggetto: me, te, lo / le / la / se, we, you, the / the / is

Add indiretto: me, you, him / it, we, I, were / are
preposizionali: me, you, he / she / Yes, we / us, you / you, they / them / yes

Possessivi: mine / mine / mine / yours mine
/ yours / yours / yours,
his / hers / theirs / ours
theirs / ours / our own / our own
yours / yours / yours / yours
his / her your / yours / theirs

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Can Metformin Increase Egg White Cervical Mucus


Wadowice May 18, 1920
Rome 2 April 2005
" try to understand me from outside.
But I can only be understood from within. "
(Karol Wojtyla)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can A Tenant Run A Business From Home?

31/03/1986...SANTA NOW!

six years of engagement. 24 of marriage. Today at 16.00, cut 30 years of life together. Marge, now Santa

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Auto Reimplantation Of Maxillary Canine


Helped the sky ... The window opens up and then tools to start building. Friday, April 30 as usual, my dear, faithful friend, Cinema Teatro di Varese Sail, a theatrical group of Coopers Malnate stages "DREAMING OF PETER PAN", a musical spectacular back from a tour that has claimed success of the entire valley Olona. The cost of the ticket is ridiculous, 10 €! The posts to be filled are 1000 and are not numbered! The proceeds of the evening, once you pay the organizational expenses, will be used to buy the first brick of the project presented a few days ago and you can see on

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Missed Period On The Pill And Emotional

runner ...

know where advertising ends with the cook of the National "I'm the world champion?" Immediately after a colleague at his back gives him a sberletta. I was fortunate enough to comment on the race of the fund that has earned him the silver medal in Paralympic runner Enzo Masiello ... they (the slap me do by myself)! 36 athletes healthy carriers of real emotions. Having lived through the Winter Paralympics in Turin in 2006 by passionate and summer of 2008 from Beijing sent to Vancouver 2010 I entered the belly of SKY. Paralympic 5 channels in HD, plus a daily window on Sky 1. Races live, replicated many times. Interviews and competitions and to tell the stories of magnificent examples of courage, dignity and passion. Exciting comment on the biathlon competitions and bottom with Andrew and Peter. Stimulating the preparation Paralympic share with Sarah, Flora, Mattia, Flaminia, Nora, Gianmario, Fabrizio, Nicholas, Matthew, Mark, Claire, Thomas. Instructive to observe the Great Mogul and the contributions of John Luke and Elisa, sent from Canada. 10 days of your dreams, thrown back with renewed enthusiasm needed to reality, ready to leave for a new adventure ...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Beautiful Agony Male Free Online


I with my heart, body and soul with the blues. Tonight in Vancouver started the 10th edition of the Winter Paralimpiaidi. 36 Italians in the race in five specialties of the program Paralympic ice sledge hockey, cross country skiing, cross country skiing, biathlon, skiing and curling. I want to keep the number of participants from Malpensa even if the skier Luca Carrara has suffered a serious injury in his first training in Canada and was forced to forfeit the match. These real athletes of medals they win every day, were also coming from the Canadian races, will be one more reason to celebrate their return. Peering directed to forward the national sledge hockey, a little 'Varese, a BOF will live and tell the new venture by the editors of SKY Paralympic sport, in Milan. Unlike a journalist in Beijing, equally passionate than Turin. In the mouth luck guys!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Vtech Kidizoom Camera Slow

Want to be a lawyer, run in Spain

to become a lawyer, the way English seems to be faster.
examination to enter the legal profession in our country, is a problem for many law graduates who are looking for any loophole to deal with this bureaucratic obstacle.
the wake of the "panic exam", is born the myth of Spain, the promised land of graduates in the law that allows them to become lawyers immediately without doing somersaults between a state examination often insurmountable and years of training ( often free!) in a law firm.

Republic: Mark has done it in Tenerife, the easiest place, according to him. Anna in Murcia, try per credere. Garantisce Luca per l'Andalusia. Enza suggerisce Bilbao, you poi che puoi anche andare a vedere il Guggenheim. (Repubblica 10/03/2010)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Difference Between Triplex And Pentaplex Dvr

El 'Superman' de un Millon de dólares

A copy of the first comic book superhero of the story, and that first introduced Superman, was sold on Monday in New York by million dollars, some 735,500 euros, the highest price ever paid for a publication such .

"It's an awesome price and it has been possible because the comic was in excellent condition. has not come to be on sale one minute because the buyer was aware and it was purchased just off the offer, "said Vincent Zurzolo, chief executive of, the website where the sale is closed.

The first issue of 'Action Comics' in June 1938 ( which sold for 10 cents) is considered the birth of the genre of superhero comics, including Superman was the pioneer, because until then, there was no comic book character with superhuman abilities. (the world )

Arabic Condolences Card




A l'Unione è two vowels form one syllable. May consist of:

- a strong voice (a, e, o) + a weak vowel (i, u), a weak voice (i, u) + a strong vowel (a, e, o) and two vowels weak (u, i). The emphasis falls on the strong voice of the diphthong and observe the general rules of accentuation, and although it stressed the diphthong is not destroyed.

Example: pie-dra (stone-stone), can-Cioni (song), the re-(air), viu-do (widower), via-je (travel)

- where the main stress falls on weak vowel (i, u) is always stressed. It destroys the diphthong and turns it into a hiatus (two syllables).

Examples: ba-ul (trunk), ca-i-on (fall)

- Exception: the sequence "ui" diphthong does not destroy the when he takes the main stress and accents always "i" .

Example: when-it-yourself (take care of you)

L ' gap is actually the meeting of two vowels which are two independent syllables.

Two strong vowels (a, e, o) is not the syllable and follow the general rules of accentuation.

Example: ma-es-ing (teacher), with between-er-(contract). The

h does not take into account the effects of accentuation. All the above rules apply as if this letter does not exist.

Example: a-hi (there), a-ho-gar (drowning, choke)

RULES accent triphthongs

triphthong A is the union of three vowels that form a single syllable. The central voice is always strong. The triphthongs follow the same rules of accentuation of diphthongs.

Examples: es-tu-diáis (you study), I-me-ri-ais (you temereste)

Compound Words

When a word is part of another compound word as the first element the same, it loses focus that is: the tenth (tenth) / decimoséptimo (seventeenth), but in the words composed of two adjectives joined by a dash each element retains its pronunciation and accent, physical químico (physical-chemical)

EMPHASIS diacritics

monosyllables no accent, but there are some exceptions. Some words are accented to indicate a difference in meaning (stress diacritic) or syntactic function in prayer.

más (more) adverb of quantity, but = mas (but) the conjunction

sólo (only) when you can replace with the word "only"; solo (alone) means "without company."

Aún (yet) when you can replace with "Todavia" (still) aun (even) when it means "including" (even)

mí (me) personal pronoun, me (my - my ) possessive or musical note

él (he, he) personal pronoun; el (the) article

de (give) the form of the verb give, de (of) preposition

itself (I know - Be) form of the verb to know or be, if (you) pronoun

Yes (- se) reflexive pronoun or adverb of affirmation, is conditional (conjunction) or musical note

tú (you) personal pronoun, you (your, yours) possessive

tea (tea) as it relates to 'brew, you (you) pronoun

Words que (s), quien (who), como (like), cuando (when), whence (where), cuanto / a / os / as (as / a / s), cual / es (what) accent when you are in a direct or indirect sentence interrogative, exclamatory and value when they have a question / exclamation Frases y en afirmativas negativas.

Example: ¿Cómo estas? (How are you?) No self Quién es. (I do not know who that is.)

Words este / a / os / as (this / that / these / those), carried / a / os / as (CODEST / MISUSE / Codest / Codest) and aquel, Aquella / os / as (that, that, that, that) accent when they function as pronouns.

ejemplo: aquello no me gusta. (That I do not like.)

forms neutral esto, eso, aquello have only function of pronoun and never take the focus.