dittongoA l'Unione è two vowels form one syllable. May consist of:
- a strong voice (a, e, o) + a weak vowel (i, u), a weak voice (i, u) + a strong vowel (a, e, o) and two vowels weak (u, i). The emphasis falls on the strong voice of the diphthong and observe the general rules of accentuation, and although it stressed the diphthong is not destroyed.
Example: pie-dra (stone-stone), can-Cioni (song), the re-(air), viu-do (widower), via-je (travel)
- where the main stress falls on weak vowel (i, u) is always stressed. It destroys the diphthong and turns it into a hiatus (two syllables).
Examples: ba-ul (trunk), ca-i-on (fall)
- Exception: the sequence "ui" diphthong does not destroy the when he takes the main stress and accents always "i" .
Example: when-it-yourself (take care of you)
L ' gap is actually the meeting of two vowels which are two independent syllables.
Two strong vowels (a, e, o) is not the syllable and follow the general rules of accentuation.
Example: ma-es-ing (teacher), with between-er-(contract). The
h does not take into account the effects of accentuation. All the above rules apply as if this letter does not exist.
Example: a-hi (there), a-ho-gar (drowning, choke)
RULES accent triphthongs
triphthong A is the union of three vowels that form a single syllable. The central voice is always strong. The triphthongs follow the same rules of accentuation of diphthongs.
Examples: es-tu-diáis (you study), I-me-ri-ais (you temereste)
Compound Words
When a word is part of another compound word as the first element the same, it loses focus that is: the tenth (tenth) / decimoséptimo (seventeenth), but in the words composed of two adjectives joined by a dash each element retains its pronunciation and accent, physical químico (physical-chemical)
EMPHASIS diacritics
monosyllables no accent, but there are some exceptions. Some words are accented to indicate a difference in meaning (stress diacritic) or syntactic function in prayer.
más (more) adverb of quantity, but = mas (but) the conjunction
sólo (only) when you can replace with the word "only"; solo (alone) means "without company."
Aún (yet) when you can replace with "Todavia" (still) aun (even) when it means "including" (even)
mí (me) personal pronoun, me (my - my ) possessive or musical note
él (he, he) personal pronoun; el (the) article
de (give) the form of the verb give, de (of) preposition
itself (I know - Be) form of the verb to know or be, if (you) pronoun
Yes (- se) reflexive pronoun or adverb of affirmation, is conditional (conjunction) or musical note
tú (you) personal pronoun, you (your, yours) possessive
tea (tea) as it relates to 'brew, you (you) pronoun
Words que (s), quien (who), como (like), cuando (when), whence (where), cuanto / a / os / as (as / a / s), cual / es (what) accent when you are in a direct or indirect sentence interrogative, exclamatory and value when they have a question / exclamation Frases y en afirmativas negativas.
Example: ¿Cómo estas? (How are you?) No self Quién es. (I do not know who that is.)
Words este / a / os / as (this / that / these / those), carried / a / os / as (CODEST / MISUSE / Codest / Codest) and aquel, Aquella / os / as (that, that, that, that) accent when they function as pronouns.
ejemplo: aquello no me gusta. (That I do not like.)
forms neutral esto, eso, aquello have only function of pronoun and never take the focus.
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