HOT.10mila Bomber hits and undressing.
I am pleased to report that our blog has recently exceeded 10 thousand views! I do not know if many or as few, however, is a number that is still surprising, even though I know that 6000 visits were made by Soup Annovazzi 3000 and the remaining part I and the other players on the disc.
I had prepared a commemorative T-shirt if I had scored Wednesday but the match report of the markers is inexorable and so I showed off in the locker room after the game.
Annovazzi enhanced by the achievement has decided to strip to give all readers a moment of pleasure for body and mind.
So as Sabrina Ferilli when AS Roma won the championship also gives the people of El Negher Biancoverde addition to his soul, his body too.
the goal of 100 thousand color the views of the Bomber of its members in white-green. At
million visits will project a live amateur home movie of the hard times of the grandson of the famous "Carletto de Porta Romana".
As for tomorrow's game, go with the models tested in training! Frezzolini Rossi counting on you!
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