dissoltasi A spell at the stroke of midnight. The sun shone bright on Ceiling Film Vela has shut down. Outside the carriages of those who have found the desire to have returned there to be pumpkins. The white horses, simple mice. Months of emotions the last few weeks, not without difficulties and bitterness, wrapped in only 3 hours, for many magical. Beyond the lineup, dictated by the feelings, the looks, the handshakes, the hugs and all that volunteers, parents and disabled facilities with both hands at each meeting, word of mouth and friendship surpassed all barriers up to However, before an impassable mountain. Too expensive to fill the empty box and the dilapidated sports stadium, can not accommodate the cars of those who clings willingly in the cradle ideal Film Vela, a facility accessible to everyone despite his 45 years of life. The fines disabled (or not) found themselves on the windshield Friday night on the streets adjacent to the Sailing, are just the latest tweak to those who still dream of good sense and concern for others. In the society of fair play and inclusion, even the blind know that the only evergreen that is hypocrisy. Disabled people teach practical and concrete, often humility. The last month has taught me that idea preposterous and improvised, in just 7 years has grown too, revealing and undeniable truth to this painful. Including the limited parking in the area and the resulting fines Film Vela are hardly the most bitter. That of local police officers certainly was not a blitz. Called by some annoyed citizen, unaware of what was happening in the nearby theater, and specimens have been diligent in performing their duty. Was a priority, the solution lies. But that disability is not in the paradise of priorities, their people, disabled people learn it early, since they are born. Their parents even before. The disabled person, nice as Cinderella, as it becomes cumbersome when, if only for a few hours, those of the princess. The fairy tale is over. We will be back in our cellars, which arrive by public transport there are not equipped or accompanied by minibus to leave in the imaginary spaces: publicized in Neverland. Neither victims nor martyrs, but not disabled. Aware of the little that we are proud that we know from so much ... give thanks to sports clubs and associations social, to the families of the disabled, the Province of Varese, Cinema Theatre Sailing, Sester onlus Ass The Window Malnate, Community Foundation of Varese, Di-Bi Besozzo, WTV Snc Milano, Varese Audio Video Alberto Cavallini, Benati Cairate Photo Studio, Photo Agency Blitz Varese, Fotoline.org, City of Varese, Varese Big Camper World, Basketball Cimberio Varese, Gandini Activ Group, Sunrise Media Varese Sport , Group Runners Varesini, Maurizio Giovanella, imaginor Gallarate, Ass Friends of Gamba Olgiate Olona, \u200b\u200bChiodi Family, Family Sambo, Lugano Rotary Club Varese, Varese Gandini Activ Group, Nature Center Docet Pombia Varallo (NO), SC Carnaghese, UISP Varese, CESVOV, Ispra Swimming, Swim Planet, Shark Point Sub Castellanza, AIAS Busto Arsizio, Busto Arsizio ASSB, SIELCO Buguggiate, Italian Rowing Federation, the Italian Rowing Federation Lombardia, Insubrika Swimming, Varese 1910, Solbiatese Football, Volleyball Yamamay Busto Arsizio, Baseball Malnate blind, Volleyball EAS Varese, Villa Cortese Volleyball, Water Polo VON Yamamay. With their many friends old and new, for one evening, they put the first disabled and more top of everything, "Like the sun at noon."
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