Saturday, December 12, 2009

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Interview with Paul Auster: "El juego es un art que hay que en tomarse serious"

Paul Auster (Newark, Nueva Jersey, 1947) Regresa a la Universidad de Columbia and Paris, two places where he spent part of his youth, Invisible (Anagram), his new novel. The interview takes place, however, a few blocks from his home in a cafe in Brooklyn, usual territory in his fiction. It is the day after Thanksgiving. Auster comes with some delay and apologized politely. Wears jeans and a dark blue shirt, wearing a red scarf and black aviator sunglasses.

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"My work is instinct, sensation, comes suddenly, I can not defend"

"The hardest thing is to write about sex, and this book is much "Invisible
is the eighteenth book and novel author of No. 13 New York Trilogy. He wrote it in about six months in 2008. Since then he has been working on the next, already finished and released within a year. The new book has received a glowing review in The New York Times, which has hailed as his best work, but also one fatal, in charge of The New Yorker critic James Wood.

The truth is that Invisible again be populated by young writers and poets familiar characters in Auster's work, who are victims of fate, love and violence. In this case a beat making incest plot. Said that when his wife (also a novelist Siri Husvedt) read this passage he said that seemed to be writing about them. "We've been married 30 years and have built a very close friendship, an emotional, intellectual, physical and very strong. I think he's right, somehow it was there when I wrote" he explains.

The writer acknowledges that in his fiction need to talk about areas that are familiar. "I like writing about things I know and have hovered around his head for years. You try to tell the truth about your character and the world as we know, but ultimately art is a game and that's fun, but there to take it very seriously, "he says.

As Walker, the protagonist of Invisible, Auster was a student at Columbia in 1967, he was passionate about French poetry, which was struggling to translate, and that year he traveled to Paris on an exchange. "I find that when you focus on something distant in time memory drives you forward," he says. With his character also shares the memory of a squalid hotel in Paris where he lived in 1965. And Auster, like Walker, was a staunch opponent of the Vietnam War, even fantasized about enlisting with the Israelis in the Six Day War. "I thought I should go but when I started seriously planteármelo war was over."

resonate in the novel some topics. For example, Case the evasion of justice that haunts the protagonist. This old debate has gained new strength to the case of Roman Polanski, who concurred in the nineties Auster on a jury at Venice. "I finished the book long before his arrest," says the writer, one of the signatories of the manifesto in support of the director. "This is a very sad case. It is an older man and I do not understand why they waited 30 years to stop him. I signed because it seemed unfair. As far as I know, the judge set as a penalty to spend some time in a psychiatric hospital and met Polanski . Then the judge backed down and that was when he fled. Now suddenly everyone cares about this event and I think the truth is that this is no longer a case. "

The posthumously published and unfinished manuscript is another key structural Invisible. What about the recent and controversial publication of Nabokov's last book?" He said he did not want to be published and his son has now taken the decision to bring it to light, "he replies." In the case of my novel, I do not think Walker had in mind never to publish what he wrote. This is to introduce non-fiction within the fiction ". The game narrative Auster novel set divides into three parts, with three narrators and several jumps between past and present." Everything was organic. The stories I get that way: emanate a need for counting and comes all at once. So with all my work. It's instinct, a feeling, "he smiles." I can not defend myself. "

Invisible Telling passes through the first, second and third person." Each one puts you in a different mental state, "he says." The second person is the scariest, it seems that somehow makes the story backwards. A Walker allows you to distance himself and at the same time the reader gets under the skin of the narrator, produces intimacy. "

privacy Is important as literature?" It depends on what you do. Sometimes you look for objectivity and distance. "Confess that intimate scenes have been the más que has the Costada. "Lo más dificult escriba es sobre sexo, y en este hay mucho book." (El pais)


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