Friday, January 15, 2010

Angel Lola Luv Fershgenet



Drink a Cuba: Bere molto licker, ubriacarsi
old: person has a mentalite all'antica che

Take the bull by the horns: prendere il toro per le corna.

cost one arm and a leg / cost a kidney: a occhio della testa Costarica
Being an angry
: Essere di malumore, Arrabbiata

Being fed up, be sick of something, so Averne sopra i capelli, essere stuf qualcosa di

be cooler than a cucumber: Essere fit as a fiddle.

Estar pachuco: Do \u200b\u200bnot be in shape, do not feel good

Ganarse el pan: To earn the bread, the loaf

Le falta a tornillo: He lacks a scroll wheel, is a po'pazzo

Hablar como a Cotorro: be a talkative, speaking very

Hay gato encerrado: Is there anything not wrong, who escapes a pega

Hay, a poner algo PEGAS: To be there objections, objections to

Meter la pata: err, make a gaffe

No tiene ni pies ni cabeza: It makes no sense.
La niƱa de sus ojos
: the beloved or someone's pet.

the Llama y pan pan with wine wine: a spade a spade,

wine wine Loco Binding: Matto da legare.

be as good as the bread:
essere a tone deaf: Molto deaf, non present quasi niente, deaf eat a
Touch wood: Toccare ferro

have luck: fortune Avere

Teasing someone, in turn prendere prendere qualcuno or qualcuno per i fondelli.

PROVERBS Proverbs, Detti

A God helps those who rises early: Chi non Piglia pesci dorme

The end justifies the means: Il fine giustifica i mezzi

Every cloud has a silver lining: Non tutti i mali vengono
per nuocere
beggars can not be choosers: A caval donato save in bocca non si


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