Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Am 29 Weeks Pregnant

The syllable words consist of syllables.

A syllable is composed of one or more sounds that are uttered in the same stroke of voice.

The syllable can consist of a sound, which must always be a vowel (a-ho-ra, i-gual), or more sounds that can be vocal (au-ro-ra, ta-foot-points ) or vowels and consonants (see-ta-na, puer-ta).

Groups, qui, gue, gui form a syllable.

As the number of syllables divided into one-syllable words and multisyllabic.

monosyllabic words have one syllable.

polysyllabic words have several syllables.

The stressed syllable of a word is one which bears the blow of voice, the other syllables are unstressed. In some words the stressed syllable is marked by the tilde.

There are two types of stress: stress

: The greater intensity with which to pronounce a syllable.

spelling or tilde accent: It's a sign that is placed on the vowels and the syllable with main stress. In English only the acute accent is used as the only existing forms are á, é, í, ó, ú.

All words have stress but not all accents.

In his speech, words are classified into four groups: Acute

when the stress falls on the last syllable.

Examples: pa-pel, to buy, des-VAN

Llanas, when the stress falls on the penultimate syllable.

Examples: ME-sa, LA-go, PLA-ya, ma le ta

proparoxytone, when the stress falls on the penultimate syllable.

Examples: bo-li-fo-gra, AS-pe-ro, Pa-ja-ro, CA-ma-ra

Sobreesdrújulas, cuando el acento sobre item is a tonic to the anterior Silab antepenúltima.

ejemplo: len-si-ma-ti-men-te

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Translation Italian

The syllable words are composed of syllables.

A syllable is composed of one or more sounds that are pronounced in a single shot of voice.

The syllable can have a sound, which must always be a vowel (a-ho-ra, i-gual), or different sounds that can be vocal (au-ro-ra, pun-ta-foot) or voice and consonants (Fri-ta-na, Puer-ta).

these groups here, gue, gui syllable form.

Depending on the number of syllables, words are divided into syllable and polysyllables.

-syllable words have one syllable.

Words polysyllables have several syllables.

The tonic syllable of a word is pronounced with greater intensity, the others are dull. In some words the tonic syllable is shown with a tilde.

There are two types of accent:

tonic accent: It 's the greater intensity with which a syllable is pronounced.

spelling or tilde accent: It 's a sign that is placed on vowels and the syllable on which the tonic accent falls. English the emphasis is always sharp and spelling so the only existing forms are á, é, í, ó, ú.

All words have the main stress, but not all carry the tilde.

Depending on their pronunciation, the words are divided into four main groups:

Tronche (agudas), when the main stress falls on the last syllable.

Examples: pa-PEL (paper), com-Prairie (buy), des-VAN (floor)

Piane (Llanas), when the main stress falls on the penultimate syllable

Examples: ME-SA (table) , LA-go (lake), PLA-ya (beach), but-LE-ta (suitcase)

Sdrucciolo (esdrújulas) Quando l'accent tonic cade sulla terzultima chair.

Esempi: bo-li-fo-gra (Penn), ORE-pe-ro (aspro, ruvido), Pa-ja-ro (uccello), Ca-ma-ra (camera)

Bisdrucciole (sobreesdrújulas) Quando l'accent tonic che cade his chair above the terzultima.

Esempi: len-ti-si-ma-men-te (lentissimamente)


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